February 2017
Immediately after the acquisition by Dana of the power-transmission and fluid power businesses of Brevini, completed on February, 1st, 2017, the very first week of the joint team started with a workshop involving more than 80 Dana Brevini managers, from top management to team leaders and worldwide subsidiaries’ General Managers, with the aim to get into the operative part of the integration process.
The first session, held in Villa Quaranta in Verona, had as the main topic the strategies and guidelines that will lead the future of Dana Brevini, hitting crucial points like the Business Model and the Operations, but not forgetting more formal aspects like procedures and processes that will trigger the synergies in terms of product portfolio and customer relationships.
It has been an intense two-days-non-stop, ended with guided tours at the production facilities of Rovereto and in the Campus of Arco di Trento, headquarters of the OH Division, to see closer the operation models that contributed to make Dana a world class reference in the OH drivelines.
In the week after “town hall meetings” reached all Dana Brevini employees, where the new management presented the main topics of the acquisition in order to lay the foundations for a successful integration in the Dana OH world.